“At the end, it is not about what you have, or even what you have accomplished. It is about who you have lifted up, who you have made better. It is about what you have given back.”

~Denzel Washington


Behold! Sweet Baby Jebus is risen!

Sweet Baby Jebus is a NFT project celebrating the human spirit that connects us while challenging the dogmas that divide us through the use of art, humor, historical iconography and pop culture.  Every 100% hand drawn artwork is a deep and nuanced story immortalized on the blockchain in very limited editions, created by artist Nathan Bond.

The Holy Trinity

  • The Teacher

  • The Good Shepherd

  • The Communion

The story of Sweet Baby Jebus, The Holy Trinity, is depicted in a very limited 777 unique NFTs split into 3 sets - The Teacher, The Good Shepherd, and The Communion. Each set features 259 unique variations of SBJ. Each variation is a combination of hand-drawn elements, lovingly curated and assembled by Nathan Bond.

Origin of Jebus

“I found a deep source of inspiration by combining my lifelong interests in religious imagery and biblical literature, and then contrasted those against our modern society. Once my penchant for humor and love of pop culture were added in, Sweet Baby Jebus was born! The perfect figure to tie together and enrich so many ideas. He soon took on a life of His own!”